Houseplants are ornamental plants that are grown indoors. They are commonly found in homes and offices and are mostly used for decoration. Besides being attractive, houseplants also provide healthy air for the home. Here are some types of indoor plants to consider: Kalanchoes, Fiddle Leaf Figs, Snake Plants, and
Chinese money plants.
Chinese money plants.
Watering an Indoor Chinese money plant properly is essential. The type of potting soil your plant is in, its size, and the air conditions in your home all affect how frequently you should water your plant. Potted plants in terra-cotta pots need more water than those in plastic or glass containers. To help determine whether your plant needs frequent watering, feel the weight of the pot after watering.
In addition to water, Chinese money plants need good light. If you find their leaves have not fully unfurled, they may need more light or water. This plant is prone to mold problems. It also needs a monthly fertilizer.
Fiddle leaf figs
Fiddle leaf figs can be kept indoors or outdoors. If you choose to place them inside your home, make sure the lighting is right. You need to place them in a bright and indirect light source. They also need plenty of water. Repot them every year when they reach maturity. Repotting them is best done when the weather is warm enough. Temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit can cause the plant stress.
Watering a fiddle leaf fig requires moderate moisture, but you can leave it for a couple of days between waterings. Its foliage will let you know when it needs more water.
Snake plants
If you want to have indoor plants in your home, you can begin by taking a cutting. Then, transfer the cutting to a pot with soil. If the cutting is not yet growing, leave it in the water until new shoots appear. This is an easy process that requires patience and clean water. In addition to a growing medium, you should learn about proper care and maintenance for your indoor snake plants.
Snake plants are easy to grow and can tolerate neglect. They can grow in shady or sunny locations, and they tolerate dry air caused by central heating. They're low maintenance and can provide you with a great visual impact. You can learn about the proper care for snake plants by reading the Beginner's Guide to Houseplant Care.
Kalanchoes are low-maintenance houseplants with succulent leaves. These plants grow anywhere from six to twelve inches tall and have fuzzy, succulent leaves. They also have little need for additional water except when they bloom. Watering will also depend on the humidity and temperature of the area. Kalanchoes are easy to propagate from cuttings made from the stem tips. If you want to grow kalanchoes yourself, you can take stem tip cuttings from the mother plant them in a potting medium. The cuttings will root in two to three weeks.
Kalanchoes thrive in a sunny spot with low humidity. In winter, you can move them to a south-facing window. The temperature of your plant should be above 10 degrees Celsius.
String of pearls
String of pearls are a delicate indoor plant that require a bright, indirect spot and moist soil. They can tolerate temperatures as low as 10degC, although they prefer temperatures between 13-16degC. They are best grown in a pot that is a little larger than the rootball and watered well. Be careful not to knock the leaves off as these plants can be easily damaged.
String of pearls plants do not require much care, but are susceptible to certain types of pests and diseases. These insects include aphids and mealybugs. If the plant is overwatered, it can rot. To avoid this, mist it every couple of days. If you notice damaged parts, remove them.
Dragon tree
The Dragon Tree is one of the easiest indoor plants to take care of. Its spiky leaves and long, rounded leaves make it look like a miniature palm tree. It's the perfect indoor plant for those who want an air purifier, as it uses photosynthesis to filter harmful chemicals and allergens from the air. It also does very well in average household humidity levels, but needs regular misting for optimal growth.
Once you have obtained the cuttings, wrap them in clear plastic or potting compost and secure the end of the stem with a twist tie. Keeping the stem warm and moist is essential to the growth of the dragon tree. Then, plant them in moist potting soil and give them bright indirect sunlight.