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Mosambi, Sweet Lemon, Sweet Lime Plant

Mosambi, Sweet Lemon, Sweet Lime Plant

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Mosambi Plant (Sweet Lemon / Sweet Lime)


Also known as Sweet Lime, Sweet Lemon, or Citrus limetta, this citrus tree produces juicy, mildly sweet fruits with thin greenish-yellow skin. Popular in India, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia, it’s easier to grow than regular lemons and perfect for home gardens!


Key Features:

  • Fruit: Round, sweet-tasting (less acidic than regular lemon/lime), rich in Vitamin C.

  • Tree Size: Grows 3–6 meters tall but can be kept smaller in pots.

  • Easy Care: Thrives in warm climates with full sunlight and well-drained soil.

  • Uses: Eaten fresh, juiced, or used in drinks, salads, and traditional remedies.


Why Grow It?

  • Popular Names: Mosambi (India), Pati Lebu (Bangladesh), Limu Shirin (Iran).

  • Low Acid: Gentle on the stomach—great for kids or sensitive diets.

  • Fragrant Blooms: Small white flowers with a lovely citrus scent.

  • Year-Round: Evergreen leaves add greenery to your garden.


Care Tips:

  • Sunlight: 6–8 hours of direct sun daily.

  • Water: Keep soil moist but not soggy.

  • Soil: Sandy or loamy, well-draining mix.

  • Pruning: Trim to shape and remove dead branches.

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